Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fur Trade

              New York's economy is most based around  producing and trading agriculture. But, after agriculture, the second largest industry was that of trade, which consisted of trading with foreign countries and the other colonies and the Indian fur trade. New York City was so popular because of its avid trading "zone".  Hundreds of men are constantly engaging the in the Indian Fur Trade becuase of its profitable outcome. A trader goes into the Indian country laden to trade goods that are in high demand by natives, and receive furs and peltries,which are widely common to the Natives. The trader could then keep these goods or float down the Hudson to sell them to the foreign traders of Manhattan. The reason why trading with the Native Americans works so efficiently is becuase both sides offer completely different products. They come form different sides of the world, enabling them to trade goods envied elsewhere.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

            The agricultural wealth of New York and other Middle Colonies keeps its economy stable by exporting goods. Because the Middle Colonies are the only place you can get products such as wheat, the demand is very high, so the colony is able to sell lots of it.
     The middle colonies are more popular because of their inviting appeal to every religion and status. But, it also consists of rich farmland. On larger colonial farms, wheat, has become the popular and wanted crop because its flour is finer than Indian corn which leads to a better bread. Prosperious commercial farms include those along the coast and in the major river valleys. This not only brings the best land, but also water transport. Most of the Northern Colonies rely on substitence farming because the rocky soil and harsh climate conditions, leading to a bad product to sell. Although, the economies of the Middle Colonies, such as New York, are thriving because of its vast trade of wheat and other goods. Rare goods that can only be produced in the Middle Colonies, such as New York, stimulate the economy becuase it allows goods to be continually purchased and sold at a constant demand and supply.